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  • Eric Wu (吴典皓)

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    Submitted solves

    450 31 R' U' F D2 L2 D F2 D' R2 D' B2 L2 D2 R D2 U' L' U' B2 F' D2 R B2 R' U' F U F U' L2 D B' U' B' U R2 F R' B2 R F' R' B R' U B2 U2 B U R' U' R L' U2 L2 U' B2 (31) This solution is based on a skeleton that solves everything except for 3 corners:
    U F U' L2 D // 2x2x2 block
    (B2 U L2 U2 L) // 2x2x3 block
    (R' U R') // solves final edge in green cross
    (U' B' U2 B2 U') // F2L-1
    (R B * R' U' B U B) // solves everything except for 3 corners (got lucky here)

    * = [B2, R F R']

    I feel I also got lucky with the cancellation (cancelled 2 moves)

    This was my first FMC attempt, I spent way more than 1 hour on this.