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Submitted solves
243 29 | R' U' F B2 R2 D' F2 D2 F2 R2 D L2 U' L' R' U R2 D R2 D2 F' D L2 B2 R' U' F | F2 L2 D2 L B2 L B2 D2 L F2 D2 B2 L B' L' D2 L' F2 B2 U2 F2 B2 L D2 F' U' L U' D' (29) |
First attempt with DR :) (Over 1h). (D U L' U) //EO 4/4 (F) //DR-4e4c 1/5 F2 L2 D2 L B2 L U2 R' L B //DR 10/15 F2 R2 F2 B2 //2x2x3 4/19 L D2 L' D2 L D2 //AB5E 6/25 Skeleton: F2 L2 D2 L B2 L U2 R' L B F2 (*) R2 (**) F2 B2 L D2 L' D2 L D2 F' U' L U' D' (*): F2 B2 z2 //2-3/24 (**): F2 B2 z2 //Idk, try to cancel something, I guess 2-5/21 (Because of R2 z2 L) New skeleton: F2 L2 D2 L B2 L (**) U2 R' L B' L' D2 L' (*) D2 L D2 F' U' L U' D' to 3e3e. (*): F2 B2 U2 F2 B2 D2 //to 2e2e 6-2/25 (**): B2 D2 L F2 D2 B2 R U2 // 8-4/29 Really happy about this, even though it's not that close to my PB (26), nor is it with WCA time limit, but I did learn quite a few things. |
173 28 | R' U' F L2 D B2 D' U2 B2 F2 U' F2 U2 R D B F R D2 B L' U2 F' U' R' U' F | F U F D' F' U' F D2 L B L' B2 R D' R' B D' B2 D F' R D B' F2 L' D B' F' (28) |
found a really lucky 22 to 3c (F B D' L F2) //pseudo-2x2x2 5/5 (B D' R' F) //pseudo-2x2x3 4/9 now (D' F) F' is very tempting. that leads to F2L-1 in 12, but with 4 misoriented edges (I actually got a 32 out of that, shown at the bottom) instead I switched: F2 D L B L' //EO 5/14 B2 R D' R' //F2L-1 4/18 you can see how I was still able to take advantage of the pair. F2L-1 is 6 moves longer with EO added in the middle, which, considering 4 edges were flipped, isn't bad. now the lucky part: B D' B2 D //AB3C 4/22 solving F2L from F2L-1 would have led to a 24-move F2L into an 11-move ZBLL (just diag-sune COLL) Insertions cancelled 2: F2 (*) D L B L' B2 R D' R' B D' B2 D F' R D B' F2 L' D B' F' (*) [F' U F, D'], cancels 1 at the beginning and 1 at the end. there were a couple comms that cancelled 2 "purely". also optimal insertion. other promising starts I found: 5-move EO on inverse: (R' F' D' L2 B) 3 pairs in 3 moves on normal: U' B' D2 now for the promised 32, which I found in the first 15 minutes: (F B D' L F2) //pseudo-2x2x2 5/5 (B D' R' F) //pseudo-2x2x3 4/9 (D' F) F' //F2L-1 3/12 D L' D' L D L' D' L //F2L 8/20 U D2 R' D R' D' R2 D R' D U' B2 //LL 12/32 double sledge into a long OLL+PLL skip. actually this OLL is the optimal LLEF :) After I found this (which is pretty good for my standards) I spent the last 45 minutes trying other starts. Eventually, in the last 15 minutes I ended up trying to switch after the 2x2x3. Classic example of why you should not give up after a good result, because something better might be waiting for you :) |